We would like to offer you our services in manufacturing data plates. Our technology allows to make plates with various kinds of numbers or barcodes. Each plate can be of different color. Our products have unique appearance an very good workmanship quality.
The plate manufacturing process in our company is as follows: If the customer does not have an own plate design our graphics department draws up a preliminary design which is sent to the customer via e-mail for feedback and corrections. After the project is accepted, it is sent to manufacturing. We also accept the client’s own design, if they are available. Our company offers to prepare the plate design free of charge. We see it as one of our competitive advantages, because we know many companies that charge an extra fee for such service.
We always complete the orders quickly an timely. Finished products are sent by delivery or postal service. It is also possible to collect the product personally. Plate design can be sent via fax, e-mail or it can be delivered to us personally.
Pricing on our plates depends on the materials used as well as the surface finish. If you are interested in the details of our offer, please contact us. We will send you our commercial offer along with a free product sample.